A Place of Hearth Farm | Pioneer, TN | Grows and sells vegetables with a specialty in greens and micro-greens | Facebook
Baja Califarm.ia | Tennessee + Kentucky + Georgia | Grows and sells certified organic flower, seed oil, dirty root and hemp fiber | Email: dav.henderson100@gmail.com | Tel. 615-627-7510
Black Seeds Urban Farms | Memphis, TN | Grows and sells fruits, vegetables and herbs | Instagram | Email: blackseeds2020@gmail.com | Tel. 901-289-5016
Black Thumb Family Farm | Decatur, TN | Grows and sells pumpkins; offers on site a pick your own and agritourism | Facebook + Instagram | Email: jhmckissic@gmail.com | Tel. 423-991-4198
Brown Bass Farm | Clarksville, TN | Raises and sells woodlot raised pork, poultry and eggs | Facebook + Youtube + TikTok | Email: brownbassfarm@gmail.com
Butler Family Farms | Murfreesboro, TN and Shelbyville, TN | Raises and sells beef cattle | Website + Facebook + Facebook 2 + Instagram | Email: ButlerCenturyFarm@gmail.com
Cambridge Creek Ranch | Saulsbury, TN | Raises sand sells beef, lamb, goat, pork, rabbit; also provides services for the public to whitetail and turkey hunting, horseback riding, youth camps and team-building | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: info@cambridgecreekranch.com | Tel. 901-291-2274
Capernaum Creek Farms | Robbins, TN | Raises and sells pastured Poultry, forest-raised pork and registered Nubian goats | Website + Facebook + Instagram + Linktree | Email: capernaumcreekfarms@yahoo.com
*Craft Farms | Collierville, TN | Teaches farming and agriculture through Craft Farms to eradicate hunger and education on healthy and sustainable lifestyle activities. | Website + Instagram + Youtube | Email: milton@craftorganization.org or CraftFarms901@gmail.com | Tel. 901-229-2812
Good Drugs Farm | Nashville, TN | Raises a breed stock Kiko goats and Akbash livestock guardian dogs; Grows a variety of heritage apples | Website + Facebook + Twitter + Instagram + Youtube | Email: gooddrugsfarm@yahoo.com
Heniscity Farm | Pegram, TN | raises NPIP clean heritage free-range livestock poultry for eggs/meat & is a licensed industrial hemp growing site. Homemade aromatic balms sourced from trees/herbs on-site, handmade customized fiber crafts & venue rental available. | Facebook | Email: heniscityfarm@gmail.com | Tel. 423-291-7001
Lettuce N Leaf Farm | Morristown, TN | Grows hemp and sells CBD products; offers mother and cloned hemp | Facebook
Lockard’s Produce | Glimp, TN | Grows and sells broccoli, cabbage, collards, cucumbers, herbs, kale, mustard greens, okra, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, radishes, squash summer, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnip greens, and turnips | Twitter + Linkedin |
Email: djlmorningsun@gmail.com | Tel. 901-603-9124
Miller Farm | Burlison,TN | Raises and sells beef and beef cattle as a certified beef master producer | Instagram
Okaeri Farms | Clarksville, TN | Facebook + Website + Instagram | Raises and sells chickens, turkeys and pigs for meat | Email: farmquestions@okaerifarms.com
Out the Mud Farm | Murfreesboro, TN | Grows fruits, vegetables, oyster mushrooms, rabbits, sea moss; sells signature rabbit poop fertilizer and mushrooms | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: monica@outthemudfarm.com | Tel. 615-617-3159
Plano Produce | Nashville, TN | Grows and sells organic, pesticide-herbicide free vegetables | Facebook + Instagram | Email: planoproduce@gmail.com | Tel. 270-792-8548
Rhodes Farm | Saulsbury, TN | Raises and sells chickens, eggs, and honey; sells meats such as: Angus beef, Berkshire pork, Boer goats, Dorper lambs, and New Zealand rabbits | Website + Facebook | Email: FRH5494418@aol.com | Tel. 972-489-2887
Ruby’s Happy Farm | Cross Plains, TN | Harvests and sells corn, soybeans, tobacco and hemp without the use of fertilizers and pesticides; Operates as a licensed hemp farm | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: info@rubyshappyfarm.com
Sassafras Farms | Toone, TN | Grows and sells seasonal vegetables and produce from orchard; Operates as small pharmacy with natural products and herbal plant; and has a commercial kitchen and lodging options that come with a pool; Also offers the site as as event space and homestead lodging with fishing and camping | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: info@visitsasssafrasfarms.com | Tel. 833-362-FARM (3276)
Smith Hatchery Farm | Ooltewah, TN | Operates as a small local hatchery that sells baby chicks, chickens, turkey's, ducks, pheasants, quail, guinea, and peacocks; and eggs | Facebook + Instagram | Email: shf@epbfi.com | Tel. 423-362-3661
Sneed Bros. Farms | Drummonds, TN; Shelby and Tipton Counties, TN, as well as in Crittenden County, AK | Grows cotton, corn, soybeans and wheat | Tel. 901-835-2223
The Produce Tribe | Stanton, TN | Grows various tomatoes, greens, cucumbers, okra, squash, cauliflower, and carrots; sell homemade jams | Website + Instagram | Email: theproducetribe@gmail.com
The Soulfood Exchange | Nashville, TN | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Tel. 615-933-9811
Trap Garden | Nashville, TN | Grows a wide selection of produce then distributes to the people; trains residents on how to garden and provides growing kits such as grow boxes; facilitates a number of programs that bring people back to growing their food | Website + Facebook + Instagram
Two Sprouts Farm | Chattanooga, TN | Offers pick up and Farm-to-doorstep organic veggie boxes, with free delivery within a 25 mile radius | Facebook | Email: twosproutstn@gmail.com | Tel. 423-682-9561
Zao Farms | Nashville, TN | Grows a variety of mushrooms and vegetables; Sells fresh lemonade (New microfarm still getting its legs) | Instagram
Zysis Garden | La Vergne, TN | Grows and sells cut flowers, fruit, vegetables, potted plants, air plants using the wabi sabi philosophy | Website + Instagram + Tik Tok | Email: plantlover@zysisgarden.com | Tel. 615-506-6222
Updated: January 25, 2025
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