2 Cents Homegrown | Springfield, MA | Grows and sells seasonal produce, fruits, a wide variety of herbs, and fresh flowers | Instagram
Agric Organics Urban Farming | Springfield, MA | Grows and sells microgreens, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, beets and more | Website + Facebook + Instagram
Juahkumbah Farm | Worcester, MA | Grows and sells seasonal produce | Email: bforndia@gmail.com | Tel. 508-410-3390
Metro Herbs | Dorchester, MA | Grows and sells microgreens | Website + Instagram | Email: Matthew@mhboston.com
Mumbets Freedom Farm | Sheffield, MA | Grows and gives vegetables, medicinal flowers and herbs | Website + Instagram | Email: connect@mumbetsfreedomfarm
Revival Road Farm | Cambridge MA | Grows and sells seasonal produce and flowers | Email: info@revivalroadfarm.org | Tel. 781-474-3459
Sabrina’s Garden | Boston, MA | Grows and sells flowers, herbs, herbal and flower arrangements | Facebook + Instagram | Email: sabgardenstaff@gmail.com | Tel. 857-243-4694
Tony Andrews Farm | East Falmouth, MA | Grows and sells seasonal produce with a U-Pick strawberries | Website | Email: tonyandrewsfarm@comcast.net | Tel. 508-388-7576
Urban Farming Institute of Boston | Develops and promotes urban farming to engage individuals in growing food and building a healthy community. | Mattapan, MA | Website + Facebook | Email: info@urbanfarminginstitute.org | Tel. 617-989-9920
Updated: January 3, 2025
Abundance Farm | Providence, RI | Grows and sells produce in a community bag | Facebook Email: abundancefarm2020@gmail.com
B. Royal Honey | Providence, RI | Raises bees and sells honey seasonally | Website + Instagram + Facebook + Linkedin
Bailey Beattie Apiaries | Warwick, RI | Raises bees to sell raw, local honey | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: baileybeattiehoney@gmail.com | Tel. 401-284-7794
Quaintly Farm | Providence, RI | grow local seasonal crops like veggies, herbs and some fruits | Website + Facebook + Instagram
Blissful Awakening Urban Regenerative Farm | Bridgeport, CT | Grows and sells produce using organic growing methods | Website + Facebook + Instagram
Hodges Family Farm | Waterbury, CT | Grows and sells seasonal produce and eggs with an emphasis on u-pick berries | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: info@hodgesfamilyfarm.llc | Tel. 203-768-4279
Mena's Garden | Guilford CT | Raises and sells custom flower bouquets, herbs, vines and tree branches | Website + Instagram | Email: info@menasgarden.com | Tel. 860-845-6655
Micro2Life | Simsbury, CT | Grows and sells vegetables, microgreens, leafy greens and fruit using organic growing practices | Instagram |Email: micro2life.microgreens@gmail.com
Park City Harvest | Bridgeport, CT | Grows and sells produce in local markets | Instagram
Reggae Roots Farm | Hartford, CT | Grows and sells seasonal produce with a specialty in ethnic vegetables such as collard green, callaloo, okra, scotch bonnet peppers, pumpkin; and sells juices and herbal tonics from harvests | Facebook | Tel. | Email: Reggaerootsfarm@gmail.com | Tel. 860-818-3758
Root Life | New Haven, CT | Organic produce and body products | Website + Instagram + Youtube
Samad Gardens Initiative | Bloomfield, CT | Grows and sells herbal teas | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: samadgardensinitiative@gmail.com
SEAmarron Farmstead | Dansbury, CT | Harvsests hemp | Instagram
Valencia Grows | Bloomfield, CT | Grows and sells herbs, medicinal plants, cut flowers and select vegetables; and products from harvest | Website + Instagram | Email: info@valenciagrows.com
Updated: March 8, 2025
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